Beilin Commercial Real Estate



Lease Renewal

A lease renewal is a brand new lease transaction which should be evaluated and modified based on current market conditions and a company’s office requirements with the same vigor and due diligence as an office relocation. Just as landlords have representation for their interests, tenants need an expert negotiating on their behalf and looking after their needs during lease renewals and/or expansions/contractions within existing office buildings. These situations are often encountered when the premises are still functional, the location is still desirable and the building services are satisfactory.

We are able to achieve optimum results by creating a competitive negotiating environment between the current landlord and competing landlords in the area. We have the background and expertise to understand landlords’ negotiating tactics as well as accurately access the cost differential between renewing a tenant in the same space versus replacing that very same tenant. Beilin’s ability to leverage knowledge of the marketplace during negotiations with landlords will secure the best possible terms for his clients.

The Process:

  • Evaluation of current lease
  • Comparison evaluation of existing and competitive properties
  • Strategy planning
  • Alternative property inspection
  • Site planning and selection
  • Financial analysis
  • Transaction negotiations with existing and/or alternative landlords
  • Architectural & construction planning
  • Lease review with client’s attorney